Issue 21 | 5 Minutes With
5 Minutes With…
Nobuyoshi Chiba of Super Natural & Uwamuki.
Nobuyoshi Chiba (Nobu) was born and bred in Niseko. In his early 20s, Nobu moved to Tokyo and worked as a salaryman, where he was also a sponsored snowboarder. Nobu has since returned to Niseko and started Super Natural Niseko - a snowmobile accessed backcountry operation, Ideal Snow Shapes - his own brand of snowboards, and Uwamuki - a modern izakaya restaurant in Niseko Town.
Photo by Nathan Gray
When did you start snowboarding?
I grew up skiing, from around 2 years old. When i was in elementary school, snowboards started to become popular and I wanted to snowboard instead! I've been snowboarding since.
If you could only ride 1 board for the next 10 years, what would it be?
My board! Supernatural 164cm! I made it for Niseko so the radius is much wider. My riding style is freeriding and I look for the powder because I love to create sprays while shredding!
When did you start making snowboards?
About 7 years ago, I was making snowboards for another company, and I left to do it on my own 5 years ago. I started Ideal Snow Shapes 3 years ago. For now, we have just 2 models. But I'll be expanding soon!
Where do you go to get away from the crowds of the mountain?
We started Supernatural in 2012 as snowmobile accessed backcountry, mostly just for our crew to get away from the crowd of Niseko. Through word of mouth, it got popular, and so, we started taking customers to our secret spots!
How did you decide to start Uwamuki?
We were looking for other opportunities in summer. My business partner is a chef and loves to cook. So, together we came up with Uwamuki. I mean, food is a necessity and everyone has to eat, right?
What would you recommend at Uwamuki?
Hotpot and red wine!
Interview by Clara Tan
Photos by Nathan Gray